Sunday, May 28, 2006

A worm that gives you headache!

A new kind of worm has been creating a hell in the cyber world recently. Named as Yhoo32.explr, it transmits itself through Yahoo Instant Messenger (Yikes must be careful). After successfully installing itself it downloads its own browser without users permission. The new downloaded browser is a IE look alike. They say there is no difference except a start-up tune. To make things worse it takes users to weird sites and cannot be uninstalled the ‘normal’ way.

Thats all? Not at all. You have not seen the last of this worm. According to Information Week, it blares out some kind of guitar music played by some idiot who has never seen a guitar in his life. Information Week says that the music has chances to create headaches!

What a time. First Computer viruses just used to infect out computer. Now it directly affects us!. Heavens there is no difference between computer virus and real virus now. I am sure this is the first kind of worm that gives humans headache.

What do you think fellas? Comment you thoughts about this nuisance..

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